Research Group Leader
Project Support
Lauren Brown, Project Support for DOWN2EARTH project.
Current Postdocs
Dagmawi Asfaw, Research Associate (Main Advisor), funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project DOWN2EARTH (2023-25)
Andrés Quichimbo, Research Associate (co Advisor), funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project DOWN2EARTH (2021-25)
(based at Cardiff University)
Manuel Rios Gaona, Research Associate (co Advisor), funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project DOWN2EARTH (2021-25)
(based at Cardiff University)
Muhammad Ali, Research Associate (Main Advisor), funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project DOWN2EARTH (2024-25)
Current PhD Students
(Katerina’s role in parentheses)
George Blake, PhD (Primary Supervisor), NERC GW4 DTP Studentship (Met Office CASE)
Thesis: Convective-scale predictions of climate impacts on the water balance in East African drylands (2022-)
Katherine Cocking, PhD (Co-Supervisor), Cardiff University Scholarship
Thesis: Impacts of projected future climate change in the Horn of Africa drylands (2021-)
Visiting PhD Students
Ying Hu, Visiting PhD student (Feb-Aug 2024), University of Bristol, China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship
Project while in Bristol: Analysing vegetation responses to climate in East African drylands
Past Postdocs
David MacLeod, Senior Research Assoicate, funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project DOWN2EARTH (2020-23)
Jacob Rigby, Research Assoicate, funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project DOWN2EARTH (2023-24)
Past Graduate Students (PhD and Masters)
Isaac Kipkemoi, PhD (Primary Supervisor), Kenyan Government Scholarship
Thesis: Detecting signatures of drought in vegetation of East Africa (2018-2024)
Tamsin Lockwood, PhD (Primary Supervisor, taken over from Jim Freer in 2019)
Thesis: Quantifying the efficacy of in-situ Natural Flood Management (NFM) (2017-2022)
Shiuan-An Chen, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: Climatic controls on river topography (2016-2021)
Eleanor Hansford, MSc (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: Recent precipitation changes in East Africa and their relation to groundwater (2018-19)
Rory Hollings, MScR (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: How do rainstorms shape dryland river basins? (2014-2017)
Thom Turpin-Jelfs, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: Impacts of environmental change on the soil nitrogen pool in emerging and degrading arid ecosystems. (2014-2019)
Alice Charteris, PhD (2nd Supervisor)
Thesis: 15N tracing of microbial assimilation, partitioning and transport of fertilisers in grassland soils. (2013-2017)
Rebecca Harrison, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: An Investigation of Spatial and Temporal of Pesticide Dynamics at the Catchment Scale. (2011-2014)
Charlotte Lloyd, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: Experimental investigations of the effects of hydrological and erosion processes on the transport and fate of livestock-derived organic matter. (2007-2011)
Debbie Lister, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: Small-Scale Erosion-Driven Nutrient Dynamics in Different Vegetation Communities in Jornada, New Mexico: Implications for Land Degradation. (2004-2007)
Gareth Martin, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Thesis: Investigating the effects of hillslope-channel coupling on sediment transport in semi-arid areas. (2001-2005)